April 14-17th 12p-8p
Indie Bits is a celebration of independent interactive media. That’s video games, board games, card games, and virtual reality. There’s playful, imaginative worlds of escape. Or stories that crush your soul into a tiny puddle of sadness. If you want slick systems that challenge your mind, you know where go to.
Bits & Pieces
Saturday April 16th 12p-4p
Kick off your shoes, grab a slice of pizza, and come hang out with indie board games! This session features short demos from the game designers themselves, so it’s the perfect time to drop by and try out local tabletop, board, and card games. After the demos will be a free-play, so you can game as long as you like.
Now! That's What I Call AI
April 16th 12p-8p
Now! That's What I Call AI is an Artificial Intelligence programming challenge. You have to take the control of a legendary hero using the programming language of your choice. You will fight with other AI for a predetermined number of turns and the hero with the greatest amount of gold will win. Fly solo or with a team of adventurers to create a computer program (a bot) that plays the game as intelligently as possible.
Reboot Rumble
Sunday April 17th 5-9pm
Indie Bits is going to get NUTS! Come join the reboot of the most over the top game tournament in the macroverse! This is not an ordinary game tournament with just one game. This fast paced tournament uses a huge collection of games ranging from Atari 2600 to the XBOX to determine who is the best overall gamer!